Are You Part of a People-Centered Workplace?
The research is clear: putting people first is good for business and engaged employees fuel sustainable success. But how do you know if your organization is truly committed to becoming a more human workplace? Here are a few signs.
You know your company’s mission, vision, and values
And understand how your daily work fits into the bigger picture.
You are inspired to collaborate with your colleagues
Rather than compete with them.
You know where you stand
Because feedback isn’t saved only for performance reviews.
You are seen as more than your job description
Because your organization’s people-first mentality encourages and supports you to be your authentic self, not just an employee hired to complete specific tasks.
Your company’s wellness program is focused on overall employee wellbeing
Rather than focusing wellbeing on biometric health outcomes or offering incentives as a reward for participation.
You trust your team and your leadership
And you feel trusted in return.
You are given autonomy and opportunities to grow
Both in your role and in what interests you.
Sound like a place you'd like to work?
Consider attending Fusion 2.0, a new conference for all professionals who embrace the mindset that organizational success relies on putting people first at work.
Fusion 2.0 is not like any other conference. It is an immersive, collaborative event focused on an integrated approach to leading workplace change. Plus you’ll gain practical skills to support your unique part in the process. Hear from thought-leaders at the forefront of the revolution to re-humanize the workplace, and learn from companies who are breaking the mold by putting people first at work.
Join the revolution! Register today.